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Interactive installation
TouchDesigner, Max MSP, Arduino, ultrasonic sensors and 180 mirrors

"Eternal state of Verse" is an interactive installation that is activated by the proximity of the spectators and proposes the need for interaction between two people in order to experience it in a complete way. It is based on the extrapolation of the idea of binary systems in physics to the working mechanism of the work, in which it is the spectators who constitute this binary system, entering a certain field of attraction established by the sensors. In this way, when a body is detected within a certain range of distances, visuals and sounds are projected that change according to the distance from the sensor. What is projected, however, is directly invisible because it collides with the various mirrors that occupy the walls, creating a mosaic of fragments that expand in space in unexpected ways, mixing, juxtaposing, destroying the original image to give rise to new elements, new relationships, new meanings, A kind of eternal state of verse, because just as poetry frees words from the strict limits of semantics to allow new, unestablished paths of meaning, mirrors free the image and text from their structural unity to propose a state of mutation in which new syntheses are generated.

The light or particle that collides with a target in an event is reflected in what comes out of that collision, which is not it, but speaks of it in an open code between detection and perception. Sound is working in the same way, leading visuals and texts through an indirect path to open up their meaning, by sonification of RGB channels in Max MSP combined with the recordings of the words written with pencil on paper and with the keyboard.